
Since my room mates took the liberty to talk about their outfits, I decided to take the same liberty and talk about my ensemble. Today on January 28th I decided on a long sleeve thermal in grey (free! (stolen from Hilary Duerksen)) a green military shirt (free! compliments of my brother) a pair of grey thermal underwear (free, thanks mom) a pair of skivies  (9$, undergear.com) a pair of black slacks (6$ buffalo exchage) and two pairs of black socks (free! thanks again Mommy) and one fine leather black belt (free! thanks Jim), one pair of fine leather Cocoran combat boots (139$ Mr.Leather.com) everyone needs good foot wear. 

 I choose to keep it simple and functional since I enjoy biking year round, yes even in the snow.  One might wonder how such simplicity is attained and I would reply "simple," solid colors, muted tones, little detailing, natural fibers and fine textures will give anyone an anticlimactic look. If you enjoy looking drab, try and get most things you wear for free or for very little this will help keep your closet from getting too cluttered and will help you find that perfect outfit. Its hard to be choosy when you don't have anything.  Buying used is a sure fire way to save you big dollars and you don't have to assume the responsibility of buying clothing that may have been made in unfair markets by children with guns to their heads, if its used only the original purchaser can assume that guilt. Thrifting is not only good for you wallet, its good for society, its the equivalent of recycling. 

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