I love you guys.
Enough said.
Posted Leon Andrew Hensley at 11:36 PM 0 thoughts
file under: andrew, cheese, pre-valentine's wishes
Purple and Brown
black polyester slip with black trim $2 (purchased at a Kansas City thrift store)
So I've become besties with jose cuervo golden pre-made margaritas the past couple of days. I can't wait to introduce you all to him. He's very friendly. He says hola, by the way.I also went to home depot today to get supplies to make a ghetto frat boy shelf and as I was leaving the store, I was barraged by a group of mexican fellows who took it upon themselves to load all my stuff into my car. I felt very odd so I handed one of thegentleman five bucks.
I gots the real deal moustache now.
And I'm disappointed in you, Josh. I'm always sad when beards disappear.
Posted Leon Andrew Hensley at 8:26 PM 1 thoughts
i love new york
Posted for the time being at 8:02 PM 0 thoughts
file under: fashion, josh, vintage, weird stuff
hair makeover part 2
part 2 of my amazing hair makeover is shaving.

Posted for the time being at 9:46 PM 0 thoughts
Cabin Fever Party
These are some of the best pictures from our Cabin Fever Party on Saturday night.

There are about 40 more pictures posted on our facebook page!
Posted for the time being at 3:03 PM 0 thoughts
file under: andrew, jena, josh, nile, party time, photo booth, travis
More Sunday Confessionals
Posted minutia at 10:53 PM 0 thoughts
file under: brnt, confessional, videos
Sunday Confessional, cont'd.
Posted Leon Andrew Hensley at 10:26 PM 0 thoughts
file under: andrew, barack obama, confessional, videos
Sunday Confessional
Posted for the time being at 9:32 PM 0 thoughts
file under: confessional, jena, josh, travis, videos